
基于BIM的资源生产力 - 开发,验证和审判解决方案本文总结了用户友好和务实工具的持续技术开发,用于评估具有不同水平和设计阶段的建筑物中的圆形度。BAMB循环建筑评估,称为CBA,是一种比较和评估产品的方法和......继续阅读“圆形建筑评估原型”


Continue exploiting natural resources until they are gone, or regenerate them and re-establish human relationships with the natural world – it’s up to us ‘We are living at a point in time when human society’s influence on the environment, and the environmental impact of our individual lives, has never been as strong,’ says Mike Maunder …继续阅读“与自然世界重新建立人际关系”