BES 6001案例研究 - Polyflor Ltd


James Halstead Plc(Polyflor Ltd)成立于1915年,是一家位于英国的领先地板制造和配送公司,年营业额超过2.17亿英镑。Polyflor Ltd在英国和国际上都与许多地标建筑物的地板相关联,其中牛津的Rye St Antony学校如中华人民共和国第12届全国比赛的建筑物。该公司拥有600个强大的员工,主要是曼彻斯特,英国曼彻斯特,还在全球各地的多种生产和分销设施。

Polyflor Ltd的动机 - 完成摇篮到摇篮循环

Polyflor Ltd具有明确的环境承诺,这承认成功的长期业务战略涉及实现可接受的营业利润。在本公司中,有人承认其运营对当地,区域和全球环境产生了影响。Polyflor Ltd的高级管理团队致力于实现公司可持续发展绩效的持续改进。

此外,Polyflor Ltd认识到其对社会的影响从其自己的员工队伍中的影响到企业本身作为商业企业对社会的影响。结果,致力于确保公司及其员工作为整体对社会做出积极贡献。Polyflor Ltd已经拥有许多环境认证,例如BREEAM下的生命周期分析(ENP 415,ENP 429,ENP 472)。为了补充这种Polyflor Ltd还通过跑步,成为生命结束的产品管理和责任的影响,并成为恢复计划的创始人,其中可以回收寿命乙烯基的脱落和终端。要完成摇篮到摇篮周期,一个缺失的区域是在摇篮到门阶段的负责任,社会和道德采购的插图。围绕可持续性,道德实践和负责任采购的BES 6001原则与他们最新的可持续发展报告中的Polyflor Ltd的经营原则非常紧密地对齐:

  • Polyflor Ltd在所有公司角色中对可持续性和责任的长期承诺:作为地板产品的制造商和经销商,作为雇主,作为大量的土地居民,作为其邻近社区的主要成员。金博宝188亚洲体育备用网址
  • Polyflor Ltd致力于负责任地在其业务中行事,并在与利益相关方的所有交易中保持高标准的道德和诚信,是他们运营的投资者,客户,供应商,员工或社区。

为了展示对支持和衡量这些环境,社会和经济驱动因素并在市场上寻求竞争优势的持续承诺,该Polyflor Ltd计划为其弹性地板产品安全,这是豪华乙烯基瓦片的弹性地板产品金博宝188亚洲体育备用网址。很快将介绍多花的认证,异构和多脂糖皮带均匀,异构和多脂奶油板均匀。

此外,Polyflor Ltd认识到,SECUCES BES 6001认证将有助于客户为他们的项目确保更多的Bream Credits。他们还认识到,上市Polyflor Ltd的BES 6001 BER 6001认证BER全球绿色预订现场服务使客户能够快速,自信地建立公司的可持续发展凭证。


Polyflor Ltd已经为地板材料的“负责任的来源”提供了骄傲,并在整个组织建立了一套可持续性政策。Polyflor拥有ISO 9001,ISO 14001和OHSAS 18001标准的大量供应商认证。供应链受到良好调节和管理。Polyflor Ltd的观点是,BES 6001是在一个经过认证过程下将所有这些举措一起绘制所有这些举措的绝佳方式,以展示广泛的道德和可持续性问题的整体方法。

The certification and audit process began in 2013. There followed two site visits in May to James Halstead PLC’s Radcliffe HQ along with their production facilities in August 2013. The early engagement between Polyflor Ltd and BRE began with a scoping meeting in order for Polyflor to better understand in general terms how the BES 6001 Standard is implemented. There then followed a period of consolidation of systems and evidence within Polyflor Ltd before the certification activity began in the middle of 2013 with the production by BRE of a pre-assessment report based on detailed documentary evidence provided by Polyflor. This evidence covered internal systems as well as breakdowns of input material types, sources and suppliers. This was a challenging activity for both client and auditor given Polyflor Ltd were the first resilient flooring manufacturer to be assessed to the standard. The input materials for the products to be audited were diverse, numerous and from a wide range of source companies. In addition, the combination of input materials was complex for the different product types within the ranges.

The site visits enabled BRE Global auditors to review Polyflor Ltd’s responsible sourcing related processes both at their HQ function from where the various policies and procedures were developed and managed, through to the manufacturing plants where the policies were implemented in the production process. By October 2013 the process was complete and Polyflor Ltd, the first resilient flooring manufacturer to do so, had secured a ‘Very Good’ BES 6001 certified rating for the products which entered the certification process.


Polyflor Ltd与他们的BES 6001认证的结果很高兴。汤姆罗布,他们的营销经理指出:

'Polyflor Ltd是弹性地板行业的市场领导者,长期以来一直以负责任的方式采购材料。

然而,到目前为止,它已经是难以漫长而漫长的过程,以证明利益相关者对可持续性的潜在方法。BES 6001负责任的采购认证现在为Polyflor客户提供了第三方认证的信心和安心,以展示本组织的领导和承诺。这将在未来的未来补充BES 6001认证在投资组合中的更多地板范围和新的验证方案的持续支持,如“BRE Global的EN 15804验证的EPD计划,其中Polyflor Ltd也成为会员”